Animals with more than 2 eyes
Having two eyes is quite normal in animal kingdom because some of the animals have 3 eyes, 8 eyes, 100 eyes and even more. They can see everything without moving the head. You must think that why these animals have this much eyes. Here you can know the purpose of more than two eyes.
- Multiple eyes make them to catch preys better.
- Those eyes help to see predators who want to attack themselves from different angles.
- It helps some animals to control their body temperature.
- Help to detect predators.
Here we listed some animals with more than two eyes
Tuatara: 3 eyes
Tuatara is known as a reptile fossil. It has 3 eyes. The third eye is at the top of its head. The third eye is visible when they are young. As they mature the third eye is covered with scales and pigment. The third eye is fully working eye, but Tuatara does not really use.
Praying mantis: 5 eyes
Praying mantis has 5 eyes. It has 2 big eyes on the side of its head and other 3 small eyes are in the middle of its head. The 2 big eyes help to detect movement and the other 3 to detect light. These make praying mantis as a strong hunter.
Opabinia: 5 eyes
Opabinia is an already extinct animal. This animal had 5 eyes. This small marine animal lived during the Cambrian period, 508 million years ago. It was found in the Central Cambrian Burgess Shale in Canada.
Sunflower Starfish: 24 eyes
Every starfish has an eye on each leg. Each starfish does not have 5 legs. Some have 5, 8 and more. This sunflower starfish has 24 legs. So, it has 24 eyes. It is the largest and heaviest starfish in the world.
Jumping Spiders: 8-12 eyes
Depending on the species, some spiders have 12 eyes, most of which usually have 8 eyes. However, there are some spiders that do not have eyes. For those with eyes, only the front pair is capable of detecting directions. The other pair of eyes can only detect light.
Horseshoe Crab: 10 eyes
Horseshoe Crab has 10 eyes. They have 2 compound eyes. These are primarily used to search for a mate. 2 eyes, located near the mouth, which may help to look at the animal while swimming. A further 5 eyes are located on top of its shell. 2 eyes have cells that sense light, while others are sensitive to ultraviolet light. They also have an eye in its tail.
Scorpions: 10-12 eyes
Scorpions are arachnids. The scorpion has 2 eyes on top of its head. They have upto 5 eyes on each side of their body. Therefore, the scorpion has up to 10-12 eyes.
Box jellyfish: 24 eyes
Box jellyfish have 24 eyes. It contains 20 simple eyes that can detect only light and dark. There are 4 more eyes that create images.
Scallop: 50 to 100 eyes
A scallop has 50 to 100 eyes arranged on the edge of its coat (mantle). These eyes are very important because they let them know if threats are approaching.
Chiton: Up to 1000 Eyes
A single chiton can have up to 1000 small eyes in its shell. The rock crystal eyes are on the back of its shell. Although there is no clear vision, most fish can be seen even in dark water at a distance of 6.5 feet. Undoubtedly, these are the most eyed animals in the world.
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