All About Honey
Honey is a sweet liquid made by bees using honey from flowers. Honey is formed when bees add a sweet substance secreted by flowers with their own bee enzymes. To produce honey, bees leave the collected honey in the hive and evaporate by blowing its wings.
Honey is the only natural product that contains all the essential nutrients for life, including vitamins, enzymes, minerals and water. Honey contains vitamins and antioxidants, but is fat-free, cholesterol-free and sodium-free! It is the only natural product that contains pinocembrin which improves brain function.
Honey is a healthy alternative to sugar. The main food source of bees is honey. Honey provides 2 level energy. Glucose in honey is quickly absorbed by the body and immediately increases energy. Fructose is slowly absorbed and provides constant energy. In terms of nutrition, 1 tablespoon of honey (21 grams) contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar, including fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose.
Do all types of honey have the same colour and taste?
Honey has different flavours and collars depending on where the bees visit and the type of flowers. The climate of the region affects its taste and color. New Zealand blood honey is almost white, Manuka honey is darker than ginger-brown and black peach honey is dark.
Uses of honey: Personal care products
Honey attracts and retains moisture, making it an excellent addition to shampoos, lotions and conditioners. Honey, with its antimicrobial properties, is a wonderful addition to home-made personal care products. Honey and beeswax are the basis of many skin creams, lipsticks and hand lotions.
Uses of honey: Treat wounds and infection
Honey has antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant properties, making it ideal for treating wounds. It is an excellent cough medicine that relieves irritation in our mouth or throat by forming a protective film. It can activate our immune system and build our natural immunity against allergy symptoms. It has the ability to attract and absorb moisture, which soothing small burns and helps prevent scarring. Honey heals open wounds and fights infection.
- 1 bee produces about 1/12 teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.
- 1 beehive produces up to 150 kg of honey per year.
- There are more than 300 different types of honey in the United States.
- Honey will never spoil when it stored in an airtight container.
- For years, opera singers have been using honey to boost their energy and soothe their throats before shows.
- Due to the high level of fructose in honey, it is 25% sweeter than table sugar.
- During World War I, honey was mixed with cod liver oil to treat wounds on the battlefield.
- Dr. Paul Gold, a Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia, says, "People remember things better after consuming glucose, the form of sugar found in honey."
- University of Virginia, "People remember things better after consuming glucose, a form of sugar found in honey."
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